Virtual Holiday Parties Can Lead to Trouble for Employers
A recent Gallup poll found half of the American workforce is working from home at least occasionally, and 25 percent of American workers are working entirely from home during this pandemic.
There are a number of liability concerns for employers to consider in this new paradigm. Protecting company property, liability for workers injured while working remotely, and security issues when it comes to protecting client data are all issues magnified by remote working. But today we are going to look at another issue to consider with the Holiday Season upon us.
Each year, we counsel employers on the do’s and don’ts of hosting holiday parties. While they can be a great way to celebrate your company’s success, and a morale boost for your team, holiday parties pose several risks. For most companies in New York, in-person holiday parties are off the table for 2020; however, that doesn’t erase potential liability related to drinking altogether.