Choose to Be Successful
I love running. Actually, I love all kinds of competition. My friends know that I love to celebrate the success of others. Business success. Athletic success. Success in personal relationships. All of it. It's what Buddhists call "mudita," or "sympathetic joy."
I particularly enjoy inspiring stories of people helping other people overcome adversity. That's why I am deviating from the usual legal blog post to share this special story involving a young family, its business, and the importance of focusing on goals.
Lauren Fleshman is a professional runner, an entrepreneur, a wife, and a mom. She's won state championships, NCAA titles, USA Championships and finished as high as 7th in the World (so far). This link to her family's business page is a beautiful reminder that we have the ability to chose to be successful - in athletics, in business, and in life.
I hope you enjoy it.