Do Not Tolerate Sexual Harassment in the Workplace — Attorney B. kevin burke Jr.

Kevin Burke Law Blog

Do Not Tolerate Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

It seems that sexual harassment is always in the news.  Do not tolerate harassment at work. Inappropriate behavior in the workplace is worse than annoying or exhausting. It is unlawful.

Sexual harassment is prohibited under the New York State Human Rights Law and Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964. Your employer is legally prohibited from using sexual conduct as a basis for any employment action. Even if no adverse employment decision is made based on your reaction to an unwanted advance, employers are prohibited by law from subjecting you to a hostile work environment.

Sexual harassment can come from anyone in the workplace. This includes owners, managers, and co-workers. In some instances, it can include clients, customers, or vendors. The wrongdoer can be a man or woman. It need not involve harassment of the opposite sex.

If you believe you've been sexually harassed at work, report the harassment to a supervisor. Make sure your complaint is documented. Follow-up to make sure appropriate action is taken. Do not ignore the problem. Do not feel pressured to "go along." If the problem persists, contact experienced counsel regarding your next options.

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